Portugal 2020

  • Project name | NEWNOTE INOV
  • Project code | LISBOA-02-0853-FEDER-046312
  • Main objective - Boost the intervention of NewNote Solutions, based on a series of structured investments in innovative activities that, valorising the immaterial factors of competitiveness, shall enable strengthening the company's action in the national and international market.
  • Region of intervention - Lisboa
  • Beneficiary entity - NEWNOTE SOLUTIONS, S.A.

  • Approval date | 15-06-2020
  • Starting date | 14-04-2020
  • End date | 29-07-2021
  • Total eligible cost | 93.056,00 €
  • European Union financial support | FEDER – 37.222,40 €

The aim of this investment is to endow the company with the human, technical, marketing and commercial resources that enable: Developing the NewNote 4 All software; Accomplishing its certification among the FIs and SW Vendors [financial institutions and software vendors???]; Create the means to publicise its solution and marketing in the Portuguese and Spanish markets. In this way, the company shall, on the one hand, gain differentiation in its markets of operation, in relation to the competition, and on the other hand, position itself as the sole Portuguese agent able to enter these markets with its solutions. Therefore, the core objective is to become a player in these markets, this boosting its strategy of internationalisation and market diversification.